Limited Statutory Examination

Limited Statutory Examination (Audit)

The limited statutory examination is the Swiss audit standard for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It is required when a company has more than 10 full-time equivalents. The threshold for a LSE is reached when the company exceeds 40 million Swiss francs in revenue, 20 million Swiss francs in total assets, or 250 employees.

We offer you:

  • Extensive experience with small and medium-sized enterprises as well as foundations, allowing us to provide valuable advice or tips on tax matters as part of the LSE.
  • A high level of professionalism, integrity, and personalized customer service. Our clients particularly appreciate the closing discussion due to the comprehensive information provided.
  • The ability to quickly and efficiently involve specialists when needed.
  • A motivated team.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for a personalized quote.