Marc Hoffmann, Partner
lic. rer. pol
T: +41 61 512 43 00
M: +41 79 721 92 35
Languages: German, English, French, Spanish
Marc Hoffmann is a founding partner of Hoffmann & Partner. He is responsible for the management, strategy and business development of the company.
Marc Hoffmann has many years of expertise in the pharmaceutical industry and in finance on the corporate side. He began his professional career in 1997 as a trainee at Novartis in Argentina, after which he held various positions in the finance department of the Basel-based group. Among other positions, he was CFO of the Consumer Health Division, where he was responsible for the financial management of the national companies in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. In his last position, he was Head of Business Planning and Analysis for the Pharmaceuticals Sector and also a member of the Executive Board of Novartis Argentina. Since 2003, Hoffmann has been active as an independent entrepreneur, among other things with his own agricultural company in Argentina.
He completed his studies in economics with a focus on development economics and international economics in Basel in 1996 (lic. rer. pol.). Between 2005 and 2008, he attended the master’s programmes in agribusiness at the Agronomy Faculty of the University of Buenos Aires and in international politics at the University Torcuato Di Tella in Buenos Aires, before returning to finance with Hoffmann & Partner. Marc Hoffmann lives in Argentina and Switzerland. He is a director of the Swiss Argentine Chamber of Commerce.